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Hjälp med ett Applescript, hur lägger jag till denna delen?


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Hej! Jag kör ett applescript i automator som en tjänst, där jag konverterar m4v´s till en satt storlek med HandbrakeCLI, 640x480. Funkar kanon, dock vill att scriptet ska skippa att konvertera filer som redan är 640x480. Fick ett tips om att använda Mediainfo som jag har installerat för att outputa information om filmklippet och sen använda mig av. Fick även ett exempelscript, och jag förstår logiken i det, men lyckas inte få ihop det i det script jag använder. Jag vill helt enkelt


Här är exempelscriptet:

et filterStr to " | grep pixels | tr -d [:alpha:][:blank:][:punct:]"

set allFiles to (choose file with multiple selections allowed)

repeat with i from 1 to number of items in allFiles
    set currentFile to (item i of allFiles)

    set cmdStr to "/usr/local/bin/mediainfo " & ¬
        quoted form of POSIX path of currentFile & filterStr

    set h to 0
    set w to 0
        set fileInfo to do shell script (cmdStr)
        set {w, h} to every paragraph of fileInfo
    end try

    if w is not 640 and h is not 480 then
        log w & " x " & h

        # Convert to desired resolution....
    end if
end repeat

Och här är scriptet jag använder nu:

--on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
with timeout of (720 * 60) seconds
tell application "Finder"
    --Get all m4v files that have no label color yet, meaning it hasn’t been processed
    set allFiles to every file of entire contents of ("FIRSTHD:Users:jerry:Desktop:Omkodning" as alias) whose ((name extension is "m4v") and label index is 0)
    --Repeat for all files in above folder
    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in allFiles
        set currentFile to (item i of allFiles)
            --Set to gray label to indicate processing
            set label index of currentFile to 7
            --Assemble original and new file paths
            set origFilepath to quoted form of POSIX path of (currentFile as alias)
            set newFilepath to (characters 1 thru -5 of origFilepath as string) & "mp4'"
            --Start the conversion
            set shellCommand to "nice /Applications/HandBrakeCLI -i " & origFilepath & " -o " & newFilepath & " -e ffmpeg4 -b 1200 -a 1 -E faac -B 160 -R 29.97 -f mp4 –crop 0:0:0:0 crf 24 -w 640 -l 480  ;"
            do shell script shellCommand
            --Set the label to green in case file deletion fails
            set label index of currentFile to 6
            --Remove the old file
            set shellCommand to "rm -f " & origFilepath
            do shell script shellCommand
        on error errmsg
            --Set the label to red to indicate failure
            set label index of currentFile to 2
        end try
    end repeat
end tell
end timeout
--end adding folder items to
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